Caelen Burand

Caelen Burand.
Passionate Mining Engineering and Geoscience Consultant & Leader

Caelen Burand
University of Arizona
Bachelor of Science:
Mining Engineering & Geoscience.
Expected Graduation: Spring 2023
(719) 250-2424
With a passion and dedication to promote effective and responsible mining, I intend to maximize holistic stakeholder wealth generation while minimizing and eliminating negative externalities involved with the discovery, extraction, and processing of mineral resources through researching/leading innovative projects. I seek to reach the edges of our knowledge and then expand our knowledge with novel solutions.
Nov. 2019–Oct. 2022
Jan 2022–Present
University of Arizona Graduate College – Tucson, AZ
Master of Engineering - Mining Engineering (Sustainability)
Current Positions/Projects
Oct. 2022– Present
Mercury Free Mining. Lead Researcher
Helping lead the research into mercury-free mining technologies for artisanal and small-scale gold miners.
Nov. 2019–Oct. 2022
Aug 2019–Present
University of Arizona Honors College – Tucson, AZ
Bachelor of Science; Mining Engineering (Mineral Processing)
& Geoscience (Gem Science)
GPA: 4.0/4.0
Achievements: Dean's Honor, Lowell Institute of Mineral Resources Student Spotlight, UA SME Student Chapter VP of Professional Development.
Centennial High School -- Pueblo, CO
High School Diploma
GPA: 4.0/4.0
Achievements: Nationally Competitive Speaker and Debater, Senior Class President, and NSDA Student of the Year for S. Colorado.
Mercury Free Mining. Director of Operations
Lead the revitalization of the organization including launching an international research group which is testing a novel system for eradicating mercury in artisanal and small-scale gold mining.
Dec. 2019–Present
Young Mining Professionals - Founder & Director
Founded first US chapter for enhancing the mining industry. Host speaking events, provide member resources, and highlight mining leaders. Founded the Our Resources podcast to catalyze objective conversations about mineral resources.
Sept. 2021–Present
QUARTZ Research Hub - Director
With the School of Mining and Mineral Resources we founded the QUARTZ Research Hub which has launched several programs for enriching the next generation of mining professionals.
Independent Ventures
Where my Ambitions and Passions Come to Fruition
ASM Consulting.
Artisanal and small-scale mining consultant for building social license with ASM on concessions, economic development, and helping improve the sustainability of ASM. Experience in South American gold mines and African diamond mines.
Public Speaking.
Nationally Competitive Extemporaneous Speaker, Congressional Debater, and Public Forum Debater, 2014-2019. Ranked in the top 100 debaters and lead speech and debate team as president.
May 2020/2021–August 2020/2021
Nevada Gold Mines. Mining Engineering Intern.
Contributed to Mine Operations, Planning, Ore Control, Environmental, and Geotech. Tasked with improving operational efficiency. Created a Fragmentation Camera, Automated Drill and Blast QA/QC Program, Automated Short-Term Daily Mapping, and Helped Diagnose Kerogen Encapsulation in Disseminated Carlin-Type Gold Deposit.
May-August 2017
Last Chance Mine. Mucker.
Contributed to Mine Operations, Planning, Ore Control, Environmental, and Geotech. Tasked with improving operational efficiency. Created a Fragmentation Camera, Automated Drill and Blast QA/QC Program, Automated Short-Term Daily Mapping, and Helped Diagnose Kerogen Encapsulation in Disseminated Carlin-Type Gold Deposit.
Created Fragmentation Camera, Modelled Geophysical Subsurface Features, and Completed Other Geoscientific Inquiry.
Event Creation & Execution.
Coordinated and Deployed Online/In-Person Networking Events, Presentations, Receptions, and Professional Development Events through YMP and MFM.
Extensive Experience with Data Processing, Macro Development, PowerPivot, Graphing, and Chemdraw. Forecasted Haul Truck Cycle for Nevada Gold Mines, Automated QA/QC Processes, and Conducted Statistical Evaluations of Large Data Sets to Improve Mining.
Lapidary Arts.
Created Business, Cholla Lapidary, to Sell Self-Sourced Cabochons, Mineral Specimens, and Other Lapidary Works. Created Unique Agate Mezzanine Knives.
Practiced Producing Models, Surfaces, Plots, and Designing Plans for Goldstrike Open Pit Mine. Created Script for Converting Drone-Produced Point Clouds Into Clean 3D Topo Maps
Additional Software.
Deswik Suite, Microsoft Suite, MineStar, Jigsaw, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Spark, Datawrapper, and Figma.
Additional Courses.
Geophysics, Macro/Micro-Economics, Psychology, Statistics, Political Science, Supply Chain Logistics, Architectural Design, World History, and Logistics Engineering
Sought Projects
Interests & Hobbies
Creative Project-Based Problem Solving
Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Planning & Execution
Systems Thinking
Calm Under Pressure
Effective Communicator
Mountain Biking
Machine Tinkering
Relevant Courses & Competencies
Economic Mineral Exploration/Prospecting.
NGEA Competition Leader. Created a Team for Coordinating Targeted Exploration.
Field Experience with Epithermal Systems, Pegmatites (2017-2019), Carlin-Style Gold Deposits (2020-2022), and Caldera-Related Hard Rock (2016).
Public Speaking.
Top 75 Debater in the US. Nationally Competitive Extemporaneous Speaker, Congressional Debater, and Public Forum Debater, 2014-2019.
Technical Lectures for Lay Audiences (GIA 2022)
Field and Core Logging Experience. Accompanied by Instruction of Dr. Frank Mazdab and Dr. Ananya Mallik at the University of Arizona
Leading Research
Lead the Creation and Deployment of an Ongoing Research Project to Optimize Deployment of Mercury-Free Mineral Processing for ASGM.
Mineral Processing.
Flotation, Grain Size Analysis, Comminution, Zeta Potential Measures, and Minimal Input Tailings Recycling. Field Experience and
Instructed by Dr. Jinhong Zhang.
Media Development/Management.
Social Media Director, Successfully Deployed Websites, Logo Design, Media Creation, Article Writing, and Information Media Creation
Created Fragmentation Camera, Modelled Geophysical Subsurface Features, and Completed Other Geoscientific Inquiry.
Event Creation & Execution.
Coordinated and Deployed Online/In-Person Networking Events, Presentations, Receptions, and Professional Development Events through YMP and MFM.
Extensive Experience with Data Processing, Macro Development, PowerPivot, Graphing, and Chemdraw. Forecasted Haul Truck Cycle for Nevada Gold Mines, Automated QA/QC Processes, and Conducted Statistical Evaluations of Large Data Sets to Improve Mining.
Lapidary Arts.
Created Business, Cholla Lapidary, to Sell Self-Sourced Cabochons, Mineral Specimens, and Other Lapidary Works. Created Unique Agate Mezzanine Knives.
Practiced Producing Models, Surfaces, Plots, and Designing Plans for Goldstrike Open Pit Mine. Created Script for Converting Drone-Produced Point Clouds Into Clean 3D Topo Maps
Additional Software.
Deswik Suite, Microsoft Suite, MineStar, Jigsaw, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Spark, Datawrapper, and Figma.
Additional Courses.
Geophysics, Macro/Micro-Economics, Psychology, Statistics, Political Science, Supply Chain Logistics, Architectural Design, World History, and Logistics Engineering
Sought Projects
Creative Project-Based Problem Solving
Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Planning & Execution
Systems Thinking
Calm Under Pressure
Effective Communicator
Interests & Hobbies
Mountain Biking
Machine Tinkering